# Wifi Troubleshooting ## My wifi connection keeps dropping and/or I keep getting kicked out of ssh There is a script that you can add to your root cron that will test your connection and reset it if it is down. Here is an example that runs every two minuntes (odd minutes). You could also do it every 5 minutes or less. Note, this does not have to be for an Edison, you can set this up for a Pi, etc as well. ``` cd ~/src git clone https://github.com/TC2013/edison_wifi cd edison_wifi chmod 0755 /home/edison/src/edison_wifi/wifi.sh ``` Next, add the script to your root cron. Note this is a different cron that what your loops runs on, so when you open it don't expect to see your loop and other items you've added. * Log in as root ```su root``` * Edit your root cron ```crontab -e``` * Add the following line ```1-59/2 * * * * /home/edison/src/edison_wifi/wifi.sh google.com 2>&1 | logger -t wifi-reset``` ## I forget to switch back to home wifi and it runs up my data plan You can add a line to your cron that will check to see if is avaiable and automatically switch to it if you are on a different network. * Log in as root ```su root``` * Edit your root cron ```crontab -e``` * Add the following line ```*/2 * * * * ( (wpa_cli status | grep > /dev/null && echo already on ) || (wpa_cli scan > /dev/null && wpa_cli scan_results | egrep > /dev/null && udo pa_cli select_network $(wpa_clilist_networks | grep jsqrd | cut -f 1) && echo switched to && sleep 15 && (for i in $(wpa_cli list_networks | grep DISABLED | cut -f 1); do wpa_cli enable_network $i > /dev/null; done) && echo and re-enabled other networks) ) 2>&1 | logger -t wifi-select``` ## I am having trouble consistently connecting to my wifi hotspot when I leave the house (iPhone) 1. When you turn on your hotspot it will only broadcast for 90 seconds and then stop (even if it is flipped on). So, when you leave your house you need to go into the hotspot setting screen (and flip on if needed). Leave this screen open until you see your rig has connected. 2. If your phone knows about wifi networks that your rig does not, your phone may connect to that wifi and in turn drop the hotspot. Make sure your phone does not connect to other wifi networks (coffee shops, a friends house, etc). You man need to forget the networks. This can also be tricky if your computer and iPhone share a network list.