# Visualization and Monitoring [Nightscout](http://nightscout.info) is the recommended way to visualize your OpenAPS closed loop. Even if you don't choose to share your Nightscout instance with another person, it will be helpful for you to visualize what the loop is doing; what it's been doing; plus generate helpful reports for understanding your data and also allowing you to customize watchfaces with your OpenAPS data. This provides a visual alternative to SSHing into your raspberry Pi or loop system and looking through log files. ## Nightscout Integration The integration requires setting up Nightscout and making changes and additions to your OpenAPS implementation. ### Nightscout Setup OpenAPS requires the latest (currently dev) version of Nighthscout, which can be found here: https://github.com/nightscout/cgm-remote-monitor/tree/dev. Note: currently there is a bug in the dev version, which doesn't allow you to set up a new profile using the profile editor. If you are starting a fresh install of Nightscout, you should first deploy the master version of the code. Once the master version is up an running, you can create your profile with information on basal rates, etc. After that, you can deploy the dev version. If you have an existing version of Nightscout, then make sure you create your profile before moving to the dev version. Or, you may keep your existing Nightscout as is, and start a new Nightscout deployment (master first, followed by dev), specifically to test OpenAPS integration. The steps discussed here are essantially the same for both Azure and Heroku users. Two configuration changes must be made to the Nightscout implementation: * Add "openaps" (without the quotes) and, optionally, "pump" (without the quotes) to the list of plugins enabled, and * Add a new configuration variable DEVICESTATUS_ADVANCED="true" (without the quotes) For Azure users, here is what these configuration changes will look like (with just "openaps" added): ![azure config changes](https://files.gitter.im/eyim/lw6x/blob). For Heroku users, exactly the same changes should be made on the Config Vars page. The optional "pump" plugin enables additional pump monitoring pill boxes. For example, assuming you have added "pump" to the list of enabled plugins, you may add a new configuration variable PUMP_FIELDS="reservoir battery" to display pump reservoir and battery status on the Nightscout page. The "pump" plugin offers a number of other options, as documented on the Nightscout readme page: https://github.com/nightscout/cgm-remote-monitor/blob/dev/README.md#built-inexample-plugins Next, on your Nightscout website, go to the Settings (3 horizontal bars) in the upper right corner. At the very bottom of the Settings menu, in the "About" section, you may check the Nightscout version (e.g. version 0.9.0-dev). Just above is a list of Plugins available. OpenAPS should show up. Click the check box to enable. Similarly, in the case you've enabled the "pump" plugin, "Pump" should also show up in the list, and you may chekc the box to enable. You should now see the OpenAPS pill box (and any optional pump monitoring pill boxes) on the left side of the Nightscout page near the time. You may also want to graphically show the basal rates: select "Default" or "Icicle" from the "Render Basal" pull-down menu in the Settings. ### Environment Variables for OpenAPS Access to Nightscout To be able to upload data, OpenAPS needs to know the URL for your Nightscout website and the hashed version of your API_SECRET password, which you have entered as one of your Nightscout configuration variables. Two environment variables, NIGHTSCOUT_HOST and API_SECRET, are used to store the website address and the password, respectively. To obtain the hashed version of the API_SECRET, run the following ```echo -n "" | shasum``` and replace `````` with what you set up in Nightscout. For example, if your enter ```echo -n "password" | shasum```, the hashed version returned will be 5baa61e4c9b93f3f0682250b6cf8331b7ee68fd8. Run it with your password and save the hashed key that is output for the next step. In your terminal window, you may now define the two environment variables. This is done by adding them to your .profile in your home directory. The .profile runs each time the system starts and will ensure these variables are set for future use on the command line. ```nano ~/.profile``` and add the following at the end of the file below any other content that may already be there: ``` NIGHTSCOUT_HOST=https://; export NIGHTSCOUT_HOST API_SECRET=; export API_SECRET ``` Now run ```source /etc/profile``` to enact the changes we've just made without restart the machine ### Configuring and Uploading OpenAPS Status Integration with Nightscout requires couple of changes to your OpenAPS implementation, which include: * Adding a new `ns-status` device, and generating a new report `monitor/upload-status.json`, which consolidates the current OpenAPS status to be uploaded to Nightscout * Uploading the status report to Nightscount, using the `ns-upload` command Upon successful completion of these two steps, you will be able to see the current OpenAPS status by hovering over the OpenAPS pill box on your Nightscount page, as shown here, for example: ![Nightscout-Openaps pill box](https://files.gitter.im/eyim/J8OR/blob) The `ns-status` is a virtual device in the oref0 system, which consolidates OpenAPS status info in a form suitable for upload to Nightscout. First, add the device: ``` $ openaps device add ns-status process --require "clock iob suggested enacted battery reservoir status" ns-status ``` The corresponding entry in your openaps.ini file should look like this: [device "ns-status"]
fields = clock iob suggested enacted battery reservoir status
cmd = ns-status
vendor = openaps.vendors.process
args =
Then use the `ns-status` device to add the `monitor/upload-status.json` report, which you may do as follows: ``` $ openaps report add monitor/upload-status.json JSON ns-status shell monitor/clock-zoned.json monitor/iob.json enact/suggested.json enact/enacted.json monitor/battery.json monitor/reservoir.json monitor/status.json ``` The reports required to generate upload-status.json should look familiar. If you have not generated any of these required reports, you should set them up and make sure they all work. In particular, note that monitor/clock-zoned.json contains the current pump clock time stamp, but with the timezone info included. If you have not generated that report already, you may do so using the following commands, which add a `tz` virtual device and use it to create clock-zoned.json starting from clock.json. ``` $ openaps vendor add openapscontrib.timezones $ openaps device add tz timezones $ git add tz.ini $ openaps report add monitor/clock-zoned.json JSON tz clock monitor/clock.json ``` At this point, you may want to update your monitor-pump alias to make sure that it produces all the required reports, so that uploading status to Nightscount can be automated. After you've generated a monitor/upload-status.json report, you can try to manually upload the OpenAPS status to Nightscout using the `ns-upload` command: ``` $ ns-upload $NIGHTSCOUT_HOST $API_SECRET devicestatus.json monitor/upload-status.json ``` If successful, this command will POST the status info to your Nightscout site, and return the content of the Nightscout devicestatus.json file, which you can examine to see what status information is sent to Nightscout. Finally, you may define a new alias `status-upload`, to combine generating the report and uploading the status to Nightscout: ``` $ openaps alias add status-upload '! bash -c "openaps report invoke monitor/upload-status.json && ns-upload $NIGHTSCOUT_HOST $API_SECRET devicestatus.json monitor/upload-status.json"' ``` To test this alias, you may first run your loop manually from command line, then execute `openaps status-upload`, examine the output, and check that the new status is visible on the OpenAPS pill box on your Nightscout page. To automate the status upload each time the loop is executed you can simply add `status-upload` to your main OpenAPS loop alias. The OpenAPS pill box will show when the last time your loop ran. If you hover over it, it will provide critical information that was used in the loop, which will help you understand what the loop is currently doing. The OpenAPS pill box has four states, based on what happened in the last 15 minutes: Enacted, Looping, Waiting, and Warning: * Waiting is when OpenAPS is uploading, but hasn't seen the pump in a while * Warning is when there hasn't been a status upload in the last 15 minutes * Enacted means OpenAPS has recently enacted the pump * Looping means OpenAPS is running but has not enacted the pump Some things to be aware of: * Make sure that the timezones for the pi (if need be you can use `sudo raspi-config` to change timezones), in your monitor/clock-zoned.json report, and the Nightscout website are all in the same time zone. * The basal changes won't appear in Nightscout until the second time the loop runs and the corresponding upload is made. * You can scroll back in time and at each glucose data point you can see what the critical information was at that time ### Uploading Latest Treatments to Nightscout In addition to uloading OpenAPS status, it also very beneficial to upload the treatment information from the pump into Nightscout. This removes the burden of entering this information into Nightscout manually. This can be accomplished using `nightscout` command and adding a new `upload-recent-treatments` alias as follows: ``` $ openaps alias add latest-ns-treatment-time '! bash -c "nightscout latest-openaps-treatment $NIGHTSCOUT_HOST | json created_at"' || die "Can't add latest-ns-treatment-time" $ openaps alias add format-latest-nightscout-treatments '! bash -c "nightscout cull-latest-openaps-treatments monitor/pumphistory-zoned.json settings/model.json $(openaps latest-ns-treatment-time) > upload/latest-treatments.json"' || die "Can't add format-latest-nightscout-treatments" $ openaps alias add upload-recent-treatments '! bash -c "openaps format-latest-nightscout-treatments && test $(json -f upload/latest-treatments.json -a created_at eventType | wc -l ) -gt 0 && (ns-upload $NIGHTSCOUT_HOST $API_SECRET treatments.json upload/latest-treatments.json ) || echo \"No recent treatments to upload\""' || die "Can't add upload-recent-treatments" ``` Note that a pumphistory-zoned.json report is required, which can be generated from pumphistory.json using `tz`, following the approach described above for clock-zoned.json, including making sure to add it to your monitor-pump alias. In addition, if you haven't already created a settings/model.json report, you should create that report and invoke it since it is required for format-latest-nightscout-treatments. After running your loop from command line, you may try executing `openaps upload-recent-treatments` manually from command line. Upon successful upload, the recent treatments will show up automatically on the Nightscount page. Note: Currently extended boluses are not handled well and depending on the timing of the upload are either missed entirely or have incorrect information. As a final step in the OpenAPS and Nightscout integration, you may add `status-upload` and `upload-recent-treatments` to your main loop, and automate the process using cron. Make sure you include the definitions of the environment variables NIGHTSCOUT_HOST and API_SECRET in the top part of your crontab file, without `export`, or quotes: ``` NIGHTSCOUT_HOST=https:// API_SECRET= ``` ### Setup script [This script](https://github.com/openaps/oref0/commit/d9951683cef1fd6aefc38d2c76ce9e5a177b9aa2) may be useful.