Setting Up openaps and Dependencies

This section provides information on installing the base openaps toolkit and its dependencies.

Easy install of openaps and dependencies

Using the package manager

This is the recommended way to install:

curl -s | bash -

This uses this script to install all the dependencies in one step.

If the install was successful, the last line will say something like:

openaps 0.0.9 (although the version number may have been incremented)

If you do not see this or see error messages, try running the script multiple times.

Installing from source

It’s possible to use the package manager to install development branches. If you are hacking on the code, you’ll need a way to develop using versions you control. Here’s a quick way to do that:

curl -s | bash -

If successful, the last line will say something like:

openaps 0.0.10-dev (although the version number may have been incremented)

Manual install [optional]

Install Python and Node.js Packages System-Wide [optional]


sudo apt-get install python python-dev python-setuptools python-software-properties python-numpy python-pip nodejs-legacy npm

This installs a number of packages required by openaps.

Install openaps [optional]


sudo easy_install -ZU setuptools

sudo easy_install -ZU openaps

Running this command will also update openaps on your system if a newer version is available.

Install udev-rules [optional]


sudo openaps-install-udev-rules

Enable Tab Completion [optional]


sudo activate-global-python-argcomplete

Set up Git


sudo apt-get install git

In order to set your git account’s default identity, you will need to run the following two commands:

git config --global ""

git config --global "Your Name"

replace and Your Name with your own information, but keep the quotes.