oref0-ifttt-notify Help

Usage: oref0-ifttt-notify <IFTTT_TRIGGER> <NOTIFY_USAGE> Setup IFTTT Account

You need to create an account and connect to the Maker channel and the notification channel of your choice. I use pushover as I already had the app and it allows me more control over the notification on my phone. Create an IF recipe

The trigger is the maker channel. You can customize the notification message if you wish. Get the event trigger

On the Maker channel there is a “how to trigger” link. Copy and paste the url for the example curl command, be sure to change the event name field. The URL, something like:


You can pass the IFTTT_TRIGGER, which is the trigger URL as the first argument, or define it as an environment variable in your crontab.

Command line:

  oref0-ifttt-notify https://maker.ifttt.com/trigger/{event}/with/key/MyKey

Crontab: IFTTT_TRIGGER=https://maker.ifttt.com/trigger/{event}/with/key/MyKey

By default oref0-ifttt-notify will check that the stick works, and notify the IFTTT_TRIGGER endpoint only if the the stick fails to check out. If the stick diagnostics indicate the carelink stick is working, oref0-ifttt-notify will run:

  openaps use pump model

You can specify which openaps use command to use in the second argument, or by setting the IFTTT_NOTIFY_USAGE environment variable in crontab:

Command line, note the quotes, the second term must be passed as single word.

  oref0-ifttt-notify https://maker.ifttt.com/trigger/{event}/with/key/MyKey 'pump model'


  IFTTT_NOTIFY_USAGE='pump model'

Author: @audiefile