openaps-report Help

usage: openaps-report [-h] [–version] {add,remove,show,invoke} ...

openaps-report - configure reports

optional arguments: -h, –help show this help message and exit –version show program’s version number and exit Reports Menu:

reports - manage report configurations

{add,remove,show,invoke} Operation add add - add a new report configuration remove remove - remove a device configuration show show - show all reports invoke invoke - generate a report

Manage which devices produce which reports.

Example workflow:

Use the add, remove, show to manage which reports openaps knows about.

The add command adds a new report to the system. The syntax is: add

openaps report add my-results.json json pump basals

This example registers a json output, using the pump basals command, and
stores the result in my-results.json.

The show command will list or give more details about the reports registered with openaps. The syntax is: show [name]. The default name is ‘*‘ which should list all available reports.

openaps report show

The remove command removes the previously configured report from openaps. The syntax is: remove

openaps report remove my-results.json
This example removes the report "my-results.json" from the openaps

openaps report invoke basals