# Where to go for help with your implementation There are several ways to communicate with other participants and contributors in the #OpenAPS project. See also the [Resources](../Resources/) section for additional assistance. **Note:** It's best practice not to share your pump's serial number, so make sure not to include it in pictures or pasted text output when seeking help on pump communication. ### Gitter [Gitter](https://gitter.im/) is a messaging/chat service similar to IRC. It provides integration with GitHub and several other services. * The [nightscout/intend-to-bolus]( https://gitter.im/nightscout/intend-to-bolus) channel is where you will find active #OpenAPS discussions ranging from technical issues with openaps tools to control theory to general information. It is a great place to introduce yourself and get some help from those who are a few steps further down the road. * For TI stick communication, use the [oskarpearson/mmeowlink channel](https://giter.im/oskarpearson/mmeowlink) * For RileyLink conversations, use the [ps2/rileylink channel](https://gitter.im/ps2/rileylink) * For LoopKit conversations, use the [loudnate/LoopKit channel](https://gitter.im/loudnate/loopkit) ### Google Groups A private google group focused on #OpenAPS development work can be found [here](https://groups.google.com/d/forum/openaps-dev). Request access to participate and see some of the archived discussions. If you're new, make sure to introduce yourself! ### Issues on openaps GitHub For reporting issues on the openaps tools formally, the openaps [issues page](https://github.com/openaps/openaps/issues) on GitHub is the proper forum. Feel free to try and get through the issues by working with others on the Gitter channel first if you think it may be something unrelated to the codebase. ### Other online forums Those in the #OpenAPS community are frequently found in other forums, such as on Twitter (using [the #OpenAPS hashtag](https://twitter.com/search?f=tweets&vertical=default&q=%23OpenAPS&src=typd), as well as [#WeAreNotWaiting](https://twitter.com/search?f=tweets&vertical=default&q=%23WeAreNotWaiting&src=typd)) and on Facebook in the ["CGM In The Cloud"](https://www.facebook.com/groups/cgminthecloud/) group. There is also a [Slack channel](https://omniapsslack.azurewebsites.net/) to discuss communication around other pumps that are being explored for being used for other DIY closed loops.